Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Larks' Tongues in ASCII

When:April 21, 2021 7:00PM EDT (6:30PM for Q&A)
Topic: Larks' Tongues in ASCII
Moderators: Kurt Keville,  Eliot Eshelman

Location: Online: https://meet.jit.si/blu.org

Live stream: https://youtu.be/V2oycK_1Wlc


Updates Updates on HPC, Supercomputing, and Cluster Computing, plus B.U.
Student Cluster Contest team


More details will be added later

Eliot's interests span from astrophysics to bacteriophages;
high-performance computers to small spherical magnets. He's been an avid
Linux geek (with a focus on HPC) for more than a decade. He works as
Microway's Vice President of Strategic Accounts and HPC Initiatives.

For further information and directions please consult the BLU Web site:

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux@gmail.com <mailto:gaf.linux@gmail.com>>
Boston Linux and Unix http://www.blu.org
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