Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting , Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - Crypto News Review (Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Cryptanalysis), Historical Vignette (Bletchley Park)

When: September 21, 2022 7:00PM EDT (6:30PM for Q&A)

Topic:  Crypto News Review (Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum
Cryptanalysis), Historical Vignette (Bletchley Park)

Speaker: Bill Ricker

Location: Online: https://meet.jit.si/blu.org

Live stream: https://youtu.be/5_ZzkajBACs


Bill's annual crypto and security roundup


The tradition of an annual Cryptography/Cryptananlsis/Cryptology News
Update and Historical Vignette originated with hosting a PGP Key-signing
part, but has survived that ceremony.

The featured news story in 2022 will be update on progress (&
controversy) on Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Cryptanalysis (and
how that's different from Quantum-Cryptography).

The histories vignette will be Bletchley Park's other other machine to
break machines.

For further information and directions please consult the BLU Web site:

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux@gmail.com <mailto:gaf.linux@gmail.com>>
Boston Linux and Unix http://www.blu.org
PGP key id: 6F6BB6E7
PGP Key fingerprint: 0EDC 2FF5 53A6 8EED 84D1  3050 5715 B88D 6F6
B B6E7

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